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Economische vooruitzichten voor Marokko: herstel in 2025 in zicht
- De economie van Marokko staat op het punt om in 2025 een aanzienlijk herstel door te maken, volgens twee recente rapporten van de Marokkaanse Hoge Commissie voor Planning (HCP) en de Wereldbank. Deze prognoses voorzien een aanzienlijke groei, aangestuurd door een herstel in de landbouwsector en aanhoudende kracht in niet-agrarische sectoren.
Economische groeiprognoses
The HCP's latest budget report forecasts a GDP growth of 3.7% in 2025, up from a projected 3% in 2024. This anticipated rebound is largely attributed to the agricultural sector, which is expected to see an 8.5% increase in value added after a 4.6% contraction in 2024. The World Bank's Morocco Economic Monitor similarly projects GDP growth of 4% for 2025, contingent on a return to normal cereal production levels.
Sectoral Performance
Both the HCP and the World Bank highlight the continued robust performance of non-agricultural sectors. The HCP anticipates a 3.2% growth in non-agricultural GDP, while the World Bank is slightly more optimistic, predicting a 3.6% increase.
Domestic Demand and Fiscal Outlook
Domestic demand is expected to improve as well. The HCP projects a 2.6% rise in private consumption for 2025, with the World Bank forecasting a more substantial 4.2% increase. On the fiscal front, both reports foresee a gradual reduction in the budget deficit, anticipating a deficit of 3.8% of GDP by 2025.
Challenges and Risks
Despite these positive projections, both reports acknowledge significant challenges. The World Bank highlights continued stress in Morocco's labor market, particularly in rural areas, and potential fiscal risks linked to innovative financing operations and health insurance system reforms.
Both institutions stress the importance of addressing constraints in the private sector to boost productivity and job creation. The World Bank notes, "Overcoming the bottlenecks that explain the productivity dynamics of the formal private sector is critical to accelerate economic growth and job creation in Morocco."
While the outlook for 2025 appears promising, with expected growth in both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, the HCP and World Bank emphasize the need for continued reforms and vigilance. Addressing economic challenges and maintaining reform momentum will be crucial for sustaining and enhancing Morocco's growth prospects.
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