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Extinction Rebellion plan to blockade A10 on Kings Day
Campaign group Extinction Rebellion is planning a new attempt to close Amsterdam’s A10 ring road, this time scheduled to take place on Kings Day, when police resources are most stretched.
The group said in a statement on Tuesday that it would attempt to block the motorway at midday unless king Willem-Alexander gave a statement condemning the way the fossil fuel industry is financed.
The last attempt to close the road failed when police towed away cars that were being used to halt traffic.acilitating and protecting the right to demonstrate is one of the most important jobs the police have, and that also means on Kings Day, the statement said, adding that “a small police contingent, enough to close the road so the demonstration can take place safely, is all that is needed.”
City officials have not yet commented. Mayor Femke Halsema banned all the previous three A10 demonstrations but they went ahead anyway.
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